Becoming a Spring Manufacturer
I came to the spring industry reluctantly to say the least. When my father died in 2010, Mercer Spring became my property, an entity to look after and nurture. I knew nothing about the spring manufacturing business. That was his bailiwick, I was a novice. Fortunately he left me a great team and they made it easy for me to step in and learn the business. Now from a perspective of 14 years later, I am proud of what Mercer Spring & Wire has accomplished. We continue to be a leader in custom spring manufacturing. Our springs save lives in the safety industry, especially those found in the masks of firefighters used globally helping them to breathe easier. We manufacture springs for the automotive industry that make your ride smoother and safer on the road, as well as springs that help to start your engine. The spring mfg. industry is a tough business, with plenty of competition. Only the competent survive. Mercer Spring is more than competent, having been around since the 1950’s, we hold a lot of spring making knowledge and experience. I am glad I rose to the challenge and listened to me dad’s advise and continued to run the business. Springs are ubiquitous and will always be needed even in this high-tech world. Thanks dad, as it turns out, being a spring manufacturer is a good place to be!